Monday, August 18, 2008


I was instructed by my mother to check the old furniture that was placed at the side of our house. She believed that termites have already eaten the furniture. To give you a brief history about the old furniture, it was a wedding gift from my grandparents to my mother when she got married to my father. The furniture has a deep attachment to my mother. As I checked the old furniture it was in good condition and just a little dusting it can still be used inside our house. The only problem is that there is no more room for the old furniture. If you look at our house inside, you would noticed that things are crowded inside. An addition would make the house like a canned sardines. Since my mother insisted that to keep safe the old furniture, I decided to transfer it to a new location that can be seen by mother. I placed it in the garage, a place that it can be seen always. The old furniture can still be used but our house must be renovated to increase the space. But that is another story. While waiting for that to happen, the old furniture stays out in the meantime.

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